Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Hiring an Abusive Employee?

Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Hiring an Abusive Employee?

Leaving a loved one in the care of a nursing home is already a difficult decision. Finding out your loved one was injured by the staff of the nursing home adds to the pain you and your family are already experiencing. When this happens, you may need help taking the right steps against the at-fault party. 

Luckily, the lawyers at Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC have experience with this type of case and are here to help. If your loved one was injured by an abusive or neglectful employee of a nursing home, here are the steps you need to take to get compensated for their suffering. 

Liability for an Employee’s Actions

When an employee does something harmful, you may think they should be held responsible for their actions. They were careless with someone’s safety, or they may have intended to harm them. Your first thought may be to sue the careless employee, but that’s not always the right decision. 

In most cases, nursing homes are responsible for the actions of their employees. When a nursing home hires a new worker, they’re expected to ensure they meet their standards and uphold the rules of the nursing home. If they fail to do that, or if the nursing home overlooks a history of abuse, the nursing home may be responsible for their negligent hiring practices

Seeking Damages for Nursing Home Abuse 

When a loved one is harmed by abusive nursing home staff, it can be devastating mentally, emotionally, and financially for your family. Because of this, you and your family may be due compensation for the financial and mental suffering experienced, also called damages. 

These damages can be economic, covering the financial losses you suffered. These economic damages may include medical bills, costs for care and housing for injured loved ones. Your non-economic damages cover the intangible suffering, pain, and emotional trauma your family has suffered. 

Seek Help Suing Abusive Nursing Home Staff 

When a loved one is injured by the nursing home staff that’s supposed to take care of them, it can devastate your family and leave you with a complex nursing home abuse lawsuit. Unfortunately, that means many people struggle to get compensated for the losses they’ve suffered because of the abuse. 

The lawyers at Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC are here to guide you to a successful lawsuit. If you believe an abusive employee caused your loved one’s injuries, one of our lawyers can offer a free consultation for your case. When you’re ready to learn more, call 815-656-4600 or fill out the following online contact form.