Car Accident in Rockford: Three Reasons to Call a Lawyer Now

Car accidents are traumatic experiences that no one should have to endure. Each time you experience a car accident, you have the potential of being severely hurt or killed in the aftermath. For this reason, you expect every motorist on the road to respect the safety rules of the road. However, some reckless drivers ignore basic safety regulations for selfish or careless reasons.

These individuals endanger everyone else on the road and are serious road hazards. Drivers who speed, run red lights, and text and drive needlessly put other motorists, such as yourself, at risk. If you’ve suffered damages because of the actions of an irresponsible driver, contact an Illinois car accident attorney today. 

How can an attorney help? Here are a few reasons. 

Explaining Your Case

Contacting a car accident lawyer will allow you to understand your case. An experienced attorney can break down every aspect of your case and help you decide which action will benefit your case most. Your lawyer doesn’t expect you to know the rules of the law and won’t judge you for not knowing everything about your car accident case. Your attorney can answer any questions regarding your situation. 

Building Your Case

A car accident lawyer can explain the details of your case, but they can also help you gather evidence and build a stronger case than the other party. Your lawyer will know which evidence is valuable and they won’t hesitate to help you obtain it. Your lawyer may even discover evidence that you previously didn’t consider useful. 

Fighting Your Case

Having an experienced lawyer on your side will give you a fighting chance in the courtroom. The insurance companies representing the other party will show no mercy when it comes to your case. 

Insurance companies will use anything you say against you. They may even take your quotes out of context in an attempt to avoid fault in your case. For this reason, you should never trust insurance companies when negotiating the outcome of your car accident. Insurance companies want to defend their best interests and protect their profit margins.

By calling a lawyer you give yourself a better chance of winning compensation for your damages. 

Speak with an Illinois Car Accident Attorney

The attorneys at Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC are here to help you with all of your legal questions. We stand ready to assist you in any way possible. Our attorneys at Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC have countless years of experience dealing with insurance companies. We understand how they operate and we’ll fight for your right to fair compensation for your damages.

The physical, mental, and emotional trauma that you’ve faced shouldn’t be taken lightly. When your way of life is negatively impacted by someone’s actions, you must fight for your right to justice. To contact an Illinois car accident lawyer, call 815-656-4600 or fill out the brief contact form below to schedule a consultation.