Dangerous Roads in Rockford, Illinois

You must always know which roads are more prone to accidents while traversing the roadways of Rockford, Illinois. Specific routes have higher crash rates than others, and it’s essential to always be aware of which ones require extra alertness. For a variety of reasons, such as distracted driving, these roads tend to invite more human error and have been the scenes of multiple auto deaths.

While you can’t control everything that occurs on the roadway, you can use your knowledge and common sense. By making the right decisions, you’ll be able to reach your destination safely. The following are examples of a few dangerous roads in Illinois that you must carefully navigate through while driving.

East State and Alpine 

This Rockford intersection is notorious for having dangerous accidents. Police blame distracted driving for most of the accidents that happen on East State and Alpine. Actions such as cell phone use, rubbernecking, and more fall under distracted driving. Irresponsible actions such as these take the lives of many innocent individuals every year throughout Illinois and throughout the country. 

South Main and U.S. 20

South Main and U.S. 20 is another dangerous Rockford intersection that shares second place for the most dangerous Illinois roadway, based on the number of accidents. 

South Main and U.S. 20 features high amounts of drunk driving-related accidents. Drivers under the influence of alcohol are about as attentive as drivers with their eyes closed. Drunk driving diminishes your motor skills and puts you at extreme risk of causing a devastating car accident. 

Forest Hills and Illinois Route 173

Machesney Park’s intersection of Forest Hills and Illinois Route 173 also comes in second place for the most dangerous Illinois roadway. This Rockford intersection has a high amount of car accidents because of human error.

Drivers who are attempting to run the light, fail to yield, or don’t follow basic road rules contribute to the high amount of accidents. 

East State and Perryville

Rockford’s most dangerous intersection has at least 30,000 cars and trucks pass through it each day. The intersection of East State and Perryville sees countless drivers speed through it every day. For whatever reason, drivers seem to drive more dangerously while on East State and Perryville. 

Naturally, reckless driving increases the chances of an accident happening on the roadway and risks the lives of many innocent Rockford motorists. Most other dangerous intersections blame faulty road design, or other elements are at play. East State and Perryville, however, owes its accidents primarily to the recklessness of its drivers. 

Reduce Your Chances of Having an Accident

Remember, most if not all of the dangerous Rockford roadways have one common factor in their high amounts of accidents: human error. Reckless individuals are usually the ones to blame for most of the accidents that happen on the roadways. 

To avoid becoming another Illinois car accident statistic, remember to practice safe driving procedures. 

Seek Out a Rockford Car Accident Lawyer

If you ever find yourself the victim of a car accident on one of the roads listed above or another in the Rockford area, help is only a phone call away. By calling 815-656-4600, you can speak with a car accident attorney at Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC.

You can also fill out the website form below to get started down your path toward compensation for your damages.