Do I Have a Valid Rockford Personal Injury Claim? Here’s How to Tell

It’s not always easy to tell whether you have a valid Rockford personal injury case. If you’re unfamiliar with injury claims, you may feel lost as to what situations allow you the opportunity to pursue compensation from the at-fault party. Even if the accident you experienced resulted in a severe injury, you may not always have grounds for an injury claim. 

Directly suffering because of someone’s negligence is the basis of injury claim cases. You must demonstrate how the actions of another party directly caused your damages. If you’re successful in proving these essential elements, you can obtain compensation for your damages. 

However, you must understand which situations are more likely to be valid Rockford injury claims. Read on to learn more. 

How Severe Are Your Damages? 

Whether you’ve suffered physically or emotionally, you’ll need to have experienced damages as a result of someone’s actions. Your damages don’t necessarily have to be extreme, but they should be concrete. For example, you can’t file an injury claim if you weren’t hurt physically, financially, or psychologically

You must also be able to present evidence of your damages. X-rays for broken bones and a report from your therapist are a couple examples of how you can show evidence of your physical and emotional damages. You can also receive compensation for the financial impact of your lost wages while you are unable to work during recovery. 

There are many types of damages that can be included in an injury claim. But, keep in mind that if you’re struggling to find damages resulting from your accident, then it’s unlikely you have a valid injury claim case. A lawyer can look at the details of your accident and determine viability. 

Who Caused Your Damages?

You should never be unsure about who is responsible for your damages. When you’re filing an injury claim, you must be sure about the identity of the negligent party. No matter how serious your damages, any doubt about the identity of the responsible party could result in a dismissal. After all, if you don’t know whom to sue, then you don’t have a lawsuit. 

After identifying who caused your damages, you must also prove their fault. Did they forget to put down a wet floor sign on their property or leave a construction site unsecured? Regardless of their actions, you must be able to paint a clear picture of how their actions lead to your damages.

Attempting to file an injury claim with inadequate evidence will only waste your time. Remember, the defense of the other party is going to discredit your claims, and your evidence should make their jobs extremely difficult. An experienced attorney can help.

Speak with a Rockford Injury Lawyer

Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC boasts a team of highly experienced injury attorneys who can determine whether your case is valid and worth pursuing. Our injury lawyers can help you file your injury claim case, and they can help you obtain compensation for your damages.

You can reach one of our injury lawyers at 815-656-4600. There’s also an online contact form you can fill out at the bottom of this page for more information.