Five Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Abuse of the elderly is despicable, and all of us should do everything we can to stop it. Unfortunately, the elderly are often targets for abuse because of their physical and sometimes mental vulnerabilities. When you place your loved one in a nursing home, you likely do it because you want them to be protected, secure, and happy.

However, you know that there are predators and abusers out there, so you should be ready to stand up for your family member should anything happen. That’s why we’ve put together this list of five common signs to watch for that indicate nursing home abuse and neglect may be taking place.

Five Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

  • Physical Symptoms – You should be watching for actual physical signs of abuse. Some examples of physical signs are bruises, cuts, lacerations, weight loss, broken bones, unkempt appearance, and an appearance of malnourishment.
  • Changes in Behavior – If you notice that your loved one is behaving outside of their usual character, this can be an indicator that something is going on. If your loved one is acting fearful, aggressive, or defensive or you notice personality changes, then something is probably not right at the nursing home.
  • Financial Indicators – A form of abuse often overlooked is financial abuse. Sometimes elderly with a diminished mental state can be tricked into giving their money and prized possessions to someone without really understanding what’s going on. Keep an eye on your loved one’s personal property and private bank accounts to spot signs of abuse.
  • Signs of Sexual Abuse – Sexual abuse signs can be physical, psychological, and behavioral. You may be able to spot sexual abuse if you notice torn clothing, or bruising near the genital areas; watch for behavioral changes and personality changes, especially fear and defensiveness; you should also watch for anxiety and depression.
  • Mental Health Issues – When you see that your loved one is suffering from mental anguish, you should know something isn’t right. Even if he or she is unable to verbalize what’s happened right away because of fear, you should pay attention to mental trauma. If your loved one has never before suffered from depression or anxiety and is now experiencing it, this could be an indicator of abuse.

If you see these signs of nursing home abuse and neglect, it’s important to remove your loved one from a dangerous environment right away. Get help with investigating suspected nursing home abuse by contacting a nursing home attorney.

How to Get in Touch with a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Nursing home abuse is unacceptable, and those responsible must be held accountable for their actions. One of the only ways to obtain justice for your loved one’s abuse is to file a personal injury claim. You and your loved one have been through enough of an ordeal—speak with a nursing home abuse lawyer to help you reach a positive outcome for your case.

Get ahold of a lawyer to review your case for free today. Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC can be reached via the contact form on this page or by calling 815-656-4600.