Freeport Truck Accident Lawyer

Freeport Truck Accident Lawyer

Don’t let the trucker and trucking company take advantage of you after your Freeport truck accident. Team up with a lawyer to get the compensation you deserve.

Traffic crashes are horrible experiences. This is especially true of accidents involving semi-trucks because of their huge mass and enormous potential to cause damage and injuries. In a truck crash, your injuries can be much worse and far more costly than in an accident with another vehicle.

It’s also much more complicated to press a personal injury claim in a truck accident because of the many companies and individuals that may be to blame.

To have a chance of winning fair compensation, you may need to work with a Freeport truck accident lawyer who will do everything it takes to hold the at-fault party or parties responsible. The attorneys at Mahoney & Mahoney are ready to become your team and do what’s necessary while also explaining your options and the odds.

Causes of Truck Accidents in Freeport

We’ll first investigate the accident scene, the vehicles involved, the truck’s maintenance history, the road conditions, and anything else that could lead us to the cause of your 18-wheeler crash. We’ll also speak with witnesses as quickly as possible to get the most accurate recollections of what they saw.

Finding the cause is important because that will usually lead us to who’s to blame. We can’t file a personal injury suit against a party we can’t name, so this is vital to your case. This process is made more complicated in 18-wheeler accidents, however, because there are so many people involved in the trucking industry.

Any of the following parties could hold some of the blame for your Freeport truck accident:

  • Drivers may be distracted, drowsy, drunk, or drugged.
  • Loaders may have balanced cargo poorly or left it improperly secured.
  • A part on the truck may have been defective, which could be due to careless manufacturing or improper installation.
  • The shipping company that runs that truck and assigns the driver’s duties might have had unrealistic deadline expectations, encouraging the driver to speed, abstain from sleep, or even resort to stimulant drug use.
  • Road conditions like potholes, uneven lanes, poor signage and markings, and lack of an adequate shoulder could have a part to play in your semi-truck crash, as well.
  • Construction companies might have left equipment too close to the road or provided inadequate warnings or instructions to drivers.

Whatever your Freeport semi-truck accident attorney finds, we’ll hold any and all parties that had a hand in your accident financially accountable for your costs and losses.

More About Fault in Your Truck Accident Claim

Truck accident cases can be tough to recover from, especially if you’re not sure who’s at fault for your injuries. Getting lawyers with experience on your side makes a difference, but how do you know who’s at fault? 

As mentioned, truck accidents and other personal injuries often happen because of the negligence of another party. For example, the truck driver may have been distracted or drowsy behind the wheel, resulting in the accident. But the financial costs of your injuries may fall on their employer. Truckers may be doing the driving, but state laws often place the ultimate financial burden on their employers. 

Insurance Companies in Truck Accident Claims

When you’re hurt in a truck accident, your first thought may be to turn to the insurance companies for help. The aftermath of truck crashes is the perfect time to use that service, right? Unfortunately, they may be unwilling to help. 

Any insurance company is a for-profit business, which means it may be unwilling to help you recover when you’re hurt. Luckily, your lawyer can represent you when you’re hurt and the insurance company won’t pay you fairly.

Semi-Truck Accident Injuries

The injuries you suffer will generally be more severe and costly than those involved in a normal car accident. Some possibilities include the following:

  • Head and face trauma
  • Neck, back, and spinal damage
  • Broken bones
  • Internal organ damage
  • Severe burns
  • Mental anguish

What You Could Win

Trucking accident cases can be difficult to calculate because costs are so high and accidents are complicated. Commercial trucks are several times larger than a car, and they may have dangerous goods inside. The resulting accident is often more severe than other accident types. 

When you’re suing for another party’s negligence, you will first need help calculating the economic and non-economic damages, or financial, mental, and emotional costs, of the trucking accident. Your lawyer can protect your rights to be compensated and to recover after an accident.

We’ll fight for every penny you deserve because your medical costs and wage losses will be high. Other Freeport truck accident damages for which you could be compensated include the following:

  • Future medical bills, including the cost of physical or emotional therapy
  • Future income loss because you cannot return to work
  • Disability accommodations
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Property damage, including damage to your vehicle
  • Wrongful death

Contact a Freeport 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney

After a serious trucking accident, you may have trouble getting compensated fairly. You may not have the experience, understanding of state laws, or time to seek compensation. Luckily, our lawyers can provide the tools our clients need, starting with a free consultation.

You need to heal without the stress of losing your financial stability, so seek out a Freeport truck accident lawyer from Mahoney & Mahoney. We’ll work tirelessly to get you the best results possible. For a free, no-obligation case evaluation, call us at 815-656-4600 or fill out our online contact form at the bottom of the page.