Rockford Elder Abuse Lawyer

Are you concerned that your elderly loved one has been the victim of abuse? If so, reach out to a Rockford elder abuse attorney for help holding the abusers accountable for their despicable acts.

The elderly often have trouble taking care of themselves and rely on the support of an in-home caregiver or nursing home staff to meet their needs. When these caregivers—nurses, home health aides, or even family members—take advantage of this position of power and begin to abuse their patients, they cross an unacceptable line.

When you’re prepared to seek justice for your elderly loved one’s suffering and help him or her live free of abuse and neglect, get in touch with an experienced Rockford elder abuse lawyer at Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC. We are dedicated to ensuring that perpetrators of abuse pay for the harm they’ve done.

What Are the Signs of Elder Abuse?

Although you may not be the primary caregiver for your elderly loved one in Rockford, chances are that you care deeply about his or her safety and happiness. There are some red flags you can look out for when someone else has the responsibility of caring for your family member.  Some of these include the following:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Unexplained burns or bruises
  • Flinching at human contact
  • Seeming withdrawn
  • Bills going unpaid
  • Missing bank statements
  • Appearing unkempt

Types of Elder Abuse in Rockford

Victims of elder abuse can be subjected to various forms of abuse. Physical abuse occurs when the caregiver is violent toward the victim and leaves him or her injured. Elders could also endure financial abuse, which is when the caregiver has access to their money and misuses or steals it.

Neglect is another form of abuse. It means the elderly victim isn’t being cared for properly. That could entail improper hygiene, a lack of food and water, or bed sores due to confinement.

Being exposed to elder abuse in any of its form can be devastating for the elderly, who don’t have the strength, opportunity, or sometimes even the knowledge to put a stop to it themselves. In times like this, you can depend on an elder abuse lawyer in Rockford.

How to Help a Rockford Elder Abuse Victim

The first thing you should do when you suspect elder abuse or neglect is try to speak with your loved one privately and see if he or she is willing to open up to you about what’s going on. In cases of financial abuse, the elderly victim may not even be aware of the missing funds. A refusal to answer any questions could be a sign that the victim fears the consequences of speaking up.

If your loved one doesn’t appear to be in immediate danger, you can reach out to Adult Protective Services (APS) and make a complaint. APS will then open an investigation. If you do suspect immediate danger, do not leave your elderly relative alone—call the police and make sure he or she is moved to a safe location.

When you have ensured the immediate safety of your elderly loved one, call an elder abuse attorney in Rockford who can help you open a civil case against the abusers.

Connect with a Rockford Elder Abuse Attorney

The elderly, especially those who need someone to care for them, should never be subjected to abuse.

If you believe your elderly loved one has been abused, contact a qualified Rockford elder abuse lawyer at Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC for help making the abuser pay for the damage he or she has caused. You can schedule a free consultation today by filling out the contact form below or giving us a call at 815-656-4600.