Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Medication Errors?

Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Medication Errors?

Residents in nursing homes are often taking prescription medications, so it follows that errors can occur when giving the residents their medicine.

If your loved one was seriously harmed, or even died, because of a medication error, you might be wondering: Can I sue a nursing home for medication errors? Yes, you can. Proving your case is difficult, but an experienced and qualified attorney can help.

How Can Medication Errors Occur?

Medication errors in nursing homes can occur for a variety of reasons:

  • A caregiver read the bottle incorrectly and administered the wrong dose.
  • A caregiver failed to ask the patient about allergies or read the patient’s chart.
  • A member of the nursing home staff left the prescription medication with the resident by accident.

Determining whether medical malpractice occurred following a prescription error must be done on a case-by-case basis, and your lawyer can analyze your situation to ascertain whether you have a viable malpractice claim.

Who Could Be Liable for Medication Mistakes?

Once your lawyer discovers what caused the administration of an incorrect dosage or medication, your attorney can then file a medical malpractice claim against those responsible.

Liability will also vary with each scenario. Perhaps the doctor wrote the wrong prescription or a pharmacist filled the prescription incorrectly. The nursing home might also be held liable for administering the medication incorrectly.

Winning Your Malpractice Case

If the nursing home is responsible, your lawyer will likely have to hire medical experts to testify during your case. The medical professional will have to show that negligence occurred during the administration of medication in the nursing home setting.

Need Help Suing a Nursing Home for Medical Negligence?

Now you know that you can sue a nursing home for medication errors. Your lawyer will help you put together a case and hire the medical experts needed to prove your claim. Call Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC at 815-656-4600 or send in the form below. We will be happy to review your claim during a free assessment.