Can I File a Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit on Behalf of a Loved One?

Can I File a Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit on Behalf of a Loved One?

You may have to rely on a nursing home to care for your disabled or elderly loved one. But you may have discovered your family member was being abused by the nursing home staff in or around Rockford, Illinois.

Because you aren’t the injured party, you may ask, “Can I file a nursing home abuse lawsuit on behalf of a loved one?” In some cases, you may be eligible to file for them. Your Rockford injury lawyer from Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC can help you determine whether you’re eligible to file. 

Suing on Behalf of a Loved One for Nursing Home Abuse

In some cases, your family member may have disabilities that make it impossible for them to go to court or file their own lawsuit. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have rights to compensation. If you’re a close family member, you may be able to act on their behalf as a guardian to seek compensation. 

If your loved one can’t make these decisions for themselves, you may seek guardianship as long as you’re over eighteen, are of sound mind, and are accepted by the court. After this, you and your lawyer can work on your loved one’s case. That way, your family member can get the care they need while you handle their legal concerns.

Compensation for Rockford Nursing Home Abuse Victims

Nursing homes should be places that provide the care your loved one needs when they’re unable to take care of themselves. When the nursing home staff violates that agreement and commits abuse, you and your family may be due compensation for the suffering your family member experienced. 

This may include financial and nonfinancial losses caused by the abuse. These losses, called damages, can cover any or all the following, among others: 

  • Medical expenses
  • Anxiety 
  • Rehabilitation costs 
  • Emotional trauma
  • Economic losses due to financial abuse
  • Pain and suffering

Speak with a Lawyer on Your Rockford Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit

Has a family member suffered nursing home abuse? You may have an opportunity to file a nursing home abuse lawsuit on behalf of a loved one. At Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC, we know your family’s health and safety is vital to you, and we’re here to help you seek compensation when someone hurts those you care about. Get a free consultation about your claim by calling 815-656-4600 or by completing the online contact form below.