Who Is at Fault for My Personal Injury

Who Is at Fault for My Personal Injury?

Have you been hurt in an accident and you think it was someone else’s fault, but you aren’t sure how to figure out who’s to blame? You are probably wondering: Who is at fault for my personal injury?

We can answer that question for you and explain the personal injury process a little more so you can be confident when you go to submit your injury claim against the at-fault party.

Determining Fault in Personal Injury Cases

No matter whether you’ve been injured in a vehicle collision, a truck wreck, a slip-and-fall accident, or a dog attack, the investigation process is basically the same. You want to figure out what caused your accident and who is responsible. The first step is to find out what caused the accident, as well as the details surrounding your accident.

Were you attacked by a dog? Where did the attack occur—in a public place, or on the dog owner’s private property? In this case, you know the dog owner is to blame so long as you weren’t trespassing and didn’t provoke the dog. That’s whom you will submit your claim against.

Another example: Did you get hurt during a fall at a grocery store? What did you fall on? Was something dangerous blocking the aisle? Was a third-party contractor involved? These details will be important to your case. You might be able to hold the store liable or the contractor who was stocking the shelves at the time of your fall.

Evidence to Prove Your Case

Once you’re pretty confident about who was responsible for your injury, you’ll need to prove it. Gather as much evidence as you can that can prove your case, such as physical evidence, photo and video evidence, witness statements, and medical evidence of your injuries.

Need Help with Your Personal Injury Claim?

Hopefully we’ve helped you understand how to figure out who is at fault for your personal injury. If you need legal assistance with your claim, contact a lawyer at Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC. Fill out the case review form down below or call us directly at 815-656-4600.