What Are the Signs of Nursing Home Sexual Abuse

What Are the Signs of Nursing Home Sexual Abuse?

Nursing homes are meant to offer care and protection for elderly residents. However, this is not always the reality. The elderly patients at a nursing home may suffer from negligent or malicious actions at the hands of nursing home staff. In the worst cases, they may even face sexual abuse at the hands of the caregivers or other persons near them.

The problem with nursing home abuse is it can be difficult to identify. The elderly victim of the abuse may have physical, emotional, or mental limitations, preventing them from reporting the crime. This is what makes it so important to have an in-depth knowledge of the signs to watch out for when your loved one lives in a nursing home.

Here is a look at some common signs that can help you spot elderly abuse at a nursing home. If you see any such signs, make no delay in contacting a nursing home abuse lawyer.

Common Signs of Nursing Home Sexual Abuse

Typical signs and indicators of nursing home sexual abuse include:

  • Stained or torn underwear – A telltale sign of nursing home sexual abuse is stained, bloodied, or torn underwear. This typically happens when the perpetrator forces themselves upon the victim. If you identify these signs, make sure you look into the matter.
  • Withdrawn and uncommunicative behavior – Victims of sexual abuse suffer both physically and emotionally. This may cause them to withdraw from other residents and become uncommunicative. These responses typically occur after a major trauma event.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases – If an elderly resident of a nursing home develops an STD, with no history of such a disease, this may be an indicator of sexual abuse. A victim is often unable to report a sexual crime due to a condition like dementia. However, the presence of an unexplained STD is often a clear sign of sexual abuse.
  • Bruises and bleeding – Bruises on or near the genitals are signs of forced sexual acts by the abuser. Other signs include bleeding from the genitals. If you see any such indications, it is imperative to seek immediate medical and legal help.
  • Problems with sitting or walking – If an elderly patient suddenly shows unusual walking or sitting habits, these may indicate discomfort or injuries in the pelvic area. Such injuries are often brought about by sexual abuse.

How to Prevent Elderly Sexual Abuse in Nursing Homes?

There are many practices you can adopt to prevent elderly sexual abuse before it occurs. You can, for instance, do your research to make sure you choose a reputable nursing home with a trained and qualified staff. In addition, consider routine visits to your parent or elderly relative so any possible sexual predators become wary.

In case sexual abuse does occur, you must report it to the authorities immediately. In most cases, the crime is reported to the Adult Protective Services, and an investigation is then launched.

Get Help from a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Here at Mahoney & Mahoney LLC, we understand such a discovery is emotionally shattering. This is why we offer compassionate legal services to help you pursue justice for your loved one and to hold perpetrators accountable.

Schedule a free consultation today by calling 815-656-4600 or by visiting our website.