What to Expect in Your Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit

Has a beloved family member been abused in a nursing home? Then you’re probably experiencing an array of emotions: anger, betrayal, sadness, and determination. You want to receive recompense for what’s happened to your family member, but you likely also want to protect others from being harmed in nursing homes.

Nursing homes are supposed to be safe havens, places where elderly adults can enjoy their lives with some needed caregiving assistance. These places aren’t supposed to be harmful in any way.

If your loved one wasn’t cared for and protected as they should have been, then filing a claim against those responsible is the only way to make things right. Keep reading to learn more about what to expect when you file a nursing home abuse lawsuit.

The Steps That Go into Filing an Elder Abuse Lawsuit

You know you want to file a nursing home abuse claim but you don’t yet know how to go about it. One of the first steps is to speak with a lawyer about your case. An attorney will right away know whether you have a good case and what steps need to be taken to win your claim.

In the meantime, here is a list of general steps so you can get an idea of the process of filing a claim for elder abuse in Illinois:

  • Discover the abuse and document what you know.
  • Gather as much evidence of abuse as possible, such as photos, witness statements, and medical evidence.
  • Bring your claim (meaning file it with the insurance company or the court).
  • Argue your case with the involved insurance companies or argue your case in court.
  • Win the settlement you deserve or be awarded damages in court.

Remember, having an attorney will mean that most of these steps aren’t handled directly by you.

Damages for Abuse in a Nursing Home

The trauma and loss your elderly family member has experienced can change their life. Some people will be irreversibly harmed because of elder abuse. No matter what the circumstances of your loved one’s abuse, they deserve full compensation for what they went through.

The following are some of the damages a nursing home abuse victim can receive when they win an injury claim.

  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Medical costs to treat any injuries caused by the abuse
  • Mental health trauma and treatment costs
  • Financial losses caused by transferring elder care
  • Any other losses this event brought about

Get in Touch with a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Illinois

Your loved one has suffered at the hands of an abuser and deserves every bit of justice you can get them. You aren’t only fighting against one abuser, but many. You have the chance to protect other vulnerable adults from being harmed in negligent or abusive nursing homes. Hold those responsible to account by winning your claim.

Contact Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC to discuss your case with a Rockford nursing home abuse lawyer during a free assessment. To reach us, fill out and send over the online contact form belo, or call us directly at 815-656-4600. Your loved one needs you to defend them, and so do others currently living in nursing homes.